The newsletter of the Guild is called Raised Bands, and this is its 41st year in 2024.
Six issues a year: February, April, June, August, October and December, usually just before the meetings (as an aide memoir). Members receive it by email.
The deadline for contributions is: 20 January, March, May, July, September and November 2025.
Guild members are heartily encouraged to contribute news of their activities, images of their work, notices of upcoming events, interesting internet links, and anything else they gauge is of interest to other members.
The newsletter can also contain advertisements and classified notices.
Contributions of text can be emailed to the Editor. Text can be embedded in the body of the email or provided as an attachment.
Images should not be too big (over 10MB) nor too small (if taken from the internet, the printed version will be pixelated, but will be ok for the online version). JPG (JPEG) format is easiest to email.